7 October 2020
The role of animation in science communication
How does the biobanking process at the Medical University in Graz work? We were confronted with this question (and the search for the answer) in the spring of this year, and have to admit: Until then we had hardly been aware of the biobank and its activities.
In the course of our research, we had the privilage of visiting the biobank and its associated institutes and having interesting conversations with experts. Soon we had familiarized ourselves with the exciting topic and defined the most important key points - an easy-to-understand, entertaining explanatory animation was created.
In the course of the project I also thought about the possibilities of animation as a "communicator" between science and society.
In many cases, science takes place in cooperation with the public. Thus, the biobank and the resulting research progress would not be possible in this form without the participation of the people.
Therefore, it is important to make information available to a broad public in a simple and understandable way. There is a tremendous thirst for knowledge, and at the same time, a vast amount of information is available as a result of ongoing digitization. This information is available anytime, anywhere and is being consumed faster than ever before. This is why the exchange between science and the public is so important.
Science needs the trust of society. This trust in science creates acceptance and recognition and is an essential prerequisite for the further development of humanity towards an open society.

Fig. 1: Cuts from tissue samples are examined in the laboratory
Therefore the exchange between science and the public is of enormous importance. Because science needs the trust of the people. This trust in science creates acceptance and recognition and is an essential prerequisite for the further development of humanity towards an open society.

Fig. 2: Antihistamines combat symptoms
There is almost no topic that cannot be illustrated and explained in animated form. An animation presents difficult topics and processes in a short and understandable way. Processes can be visualized in a simple form that promotes understanding and presents complex issues in an attractive manner.
Storytelling, a good story, also plays an important role in this process: This gets the viewers more engaged and above all emotionally engaged. A high-quality design has a positive effect on attention and is better remembered.
An animation is effective when the information is successfully passed on to the viewers and the message is understood.
An animation can make a significant contribution to this communication by acting as an interface between science and the public and by mastering the challenge of making complex content accessible in a simple and understandable way. We think we have succeeded in doing this very well with the animation about the biobanking process at the Medical University in Graz. And here the film: